Our Services

From consulting and strategy development to implementation and support, our comprehensive services can help your business thrive.

What We Offer Is Comprehensive from Head to Toe

We treat a variety of ailments related to pain and pelvic dysfunction through

  1. Manual therapy: This involves hands-on techniques performed by the physical therapist to manipulate, mobilize, or massage soft tissues, joints, and muscles. Examples include joint mobilizations, soft tissue mobilization, and myofascial release. This includes internal mobilizations and internal release of fascial tissue.

  2. Biosynchronistics approach: Integrated manual techniques to address common neuromusculoskeletal conditions such as too much sitting, repetitive motions, pushing yourself too far/too soon, emotional stress, etc., can cause your body to deviate from its natural biomechanical equilibrium into malalignment. This approach works to treat the full body and to release fasicial constrictions.

  3. Therapeutic modalities: We use various modalities to provide pain relief, reduce inflammation, promote healing, and improve tissue function. We subscribe to cold therapy and plunge ice therapy as well as heating techniques such as saunas. We also use heat or cold therapy in the clinic, electrical stimulation, and laser therapy.

  4. Manual stretching: Therapists may perform or teach patients specific stretching techniques to improve flexibility, range of motion, and muscle length. This can be combined with other techniques like joint mobilization or manual traction.

  5. Neuromuscular re-education: This involves exercises and techniques designed to retrain and improve muscle control, coordination, and proprioception (awareness of body position) following injury or dysfunction.

  6. Therapeutic exercises: Therapists prescribe specific exercises and movements to improve strength, flexibility, balance, and overall functional abilities. These exercises can target specific muscle groups, joints, or movement patterns.

  7. Postural training and ergonomic education: Physical therapists provide guidance on maintaining proper posture, body mechanics, and ergonomics to prevent or alleviate pain and improve function in daily activities or work-related tasks.

  8. Gait, Running, and balance training: These exercises and activities focus on improving walking/running patterns, balance, and stability, which can be beneficial for individuals with mobility issues or those recovering from injuries.

  9. Patient education: Therapists educate patients about their condition, self-management techniques, and strategies for preventing future injuries or managing symptoms independently. This may include guidance on home exercises, lifestyle modifications, and adaptive equipment if necessary.

  10. Biofeedback: This technique involves using specialized equipment to provide visual or auditory feedback on muscle activity, helping patients learn to control and improve muscle function.


man massaging woman's body
man massaging woman's body
white and blue dragon figurine
white and blue dragon figurine
woman lifting black and gray barbell
woman lifting black and gray barbell
two men talking
two men talking

How Do I Pay?

Payment is due upon service.

Services can be submitted to insurance company or HSA/FSA. For 60-minutes uninterrupted service with our skilled professionals working on you and your ailments we charge $130

We are considered an "out of network" provider. Following your visit you are provided with documentation to submit to insurance for reimbursement based on your individual insurance plan.